What is Serve Day?
Serve Day is an annual, global outreach where thousands of churches around the world reach out and serve their communities through simple acts of kindness. This year Serve Day will be taking place on Saturday, 13 July 2024.
How will Serve Day work on 13 July?
8:00 to 8:45
Join us for coffee and prayer under the tent at Hope Family Church George. Serve Day shirts will also be for sale.
9:00 to 11:45
Volunteers serve all over our city at the specific locations they signed up for.
12:00 to 12:45
Volunteers meet back at church for a time of feedback and giving thanks for all God’s done. Boerewors rolls will be for sale! We’re really looking forward to this time of connecting after serving at the locations.
What if I can’t serve on the day. How can I still make a difference?
Please pray with us for lives to be touched, eternity to be impacted and that everyone who serves will themselves be refreshed. Prayer changes everything!
You can also make a donation towards our Serve Day needs! Click the button below.